I can’t tell you how many parents have said to me, “Oh, all we listen to in the car is Miss Rachel.” In fact, one mom told me it wasn’t until she got back from dropping her children off at school that she realized she’d been listening to a “Miss Rachel” CD the whole way home, by herself.
So I guess I’d better start adding this song to all of the CDs I make, especially for my students who don’t do so well in the car. As a kid, I absolutely LOVED long car rides. My brother and I found ways to entertain ourselves for hours at a time, which was lucky for our parents. But I know very well that we were probably the exception, and most parents don’t have it quite as easy as mine did. This song was written for looooong car trips in particular, but for kids with an aversion to car rides, even the shortest trips can seem hours long.
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