Riding My Bike


Download the lyrics, chords, mp3 and instrumental track for “Riding My Bike” by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

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All winter long, I look forward to warm weather for many reasons, but mostly this one: so that I can ride my bike! And though my rides are a bit longer now than they were when I was younger, riding my bike still makes me feel kinda like a kid — in a good way. However, I’m a lot better about bike safety now than I was back then, and that is what today’s song is all about.

I’m ready for a spring full of riding with my favorite biking partner (my dad!), and you’d better believe we’ll be wearing helmets, using our signals, and putting to use all of the other safety tips mentioned in the song.


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