Going to the Beach


Download the lyrics, mp3 and instrumental track for “Going to the Beach” written and recorded by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

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“Ch-ch-ch-ch, we’re going to the beach!” I wrote this song in the middle of winter when a trip to the beach sounded absolutely glorious, but it can be used all year round to work on several important goals.

Before I even start the song, I ask my students or clients to practice the “ch-ch-ch-ch” sound that is repeated throughout each chorus. Once we’ve done that, I introduce the visual aide I created to accompany the song, which includes pictures of each item mentioned in the verses.

While singing the song, we identify each item and its use at the beach, and often my students and clients brainstorm other things they might pack for a trip to the beach. Critical thinking, object identification, speech sounds, and creative expression are all at play in this fun tune!


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