I Hear a Train


Download the lyrics, mp3 and instrumental track for “I Hear a Train” written and recorded by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

P.S. Before you purchase this album, consider joining Listen & Learn Plus to access the ENTIRE music collection (along with tons of other resources). Learn more here.


“Click-clack, click-clack…” Can you guess which instrument I use in conjunction with this song? There are a couple of answers, actually: rhythm sticks and castanets both work well when it comes to replicating that click-clack sound of a train coming down the tracks.

This song addresses fine motor skills and discrimination between soft and loud. My students love the gradual increase in volume as we repeat the song over and over, and the switch between chorus and verse keeps them on their toes.


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