Movement songs are SUCH an important part of my repertoire, as they should be for anyone who works with children. It’s just impossible to make it through a 30-minute or hour-long session or class without giving them a chance to get moving (even just a little goes a long way).
I recently pulled out this song out for a music therapy client who is working on reading movement sight words and then actually doing them. Instead of writing a brand new song to include the words this song didn’t already feature — “stand, crawl, and run” among others — I simply adapted “Move Your Body Along” so that it covers each one of her target words.
I’ve also discovered that movement songs such as this one come in very handy during presentations for adults, especially if it’s early in the morning. There’s nothing like watching a room full of teachers, administrators, parents, etc. jumping, stretching, and swaying along to this song :)
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