Clackin’ On the Ice


Download the lyrics, chords, mp3 and instrumental track for “Clackin' On the Ice” by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

P.S. Before you purchase this album, consider joining Listen & Learn Plus to access the ENTIRE music collection (along with tons of other resources). Learn more here.


When I introduced “Clackin’ On the Ice” to my kiddos, many of them caught on quickly to the concept of tapping their rhythm sticks very loudly at first, and gradually getting softer as the song goes on. Of course, there are a few for whom the idea of playing “softly” is foreign, and that’s okay…we’ll keep working on it :) In my recording, I reflect the gradual diminuendo by removing instrumental and vocal lines after each verse.

The rhythm sticks make the perfect “clackin’ on the ice” sound, though castanets would work very well, too. It might also be neat to experiment with vocal ostinatos and other instruments for a really progressive sound. I love a song that covers all kinds of objectives and provides so many fun possibilities!


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