Scarecrow, Scarecrow


Download the lyrics/chords, mp3 & instrumental track for “Scarecrow, Scarecrow” adapted by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

P.S. Before you purchase this album, consider joining Listen & Learn Plus to access the ENTIRE music collection (along with tons of other resources). Learn more here.


One fun fall activity is doing a corn maze! If you enjoy this activity too, maybe you’ve noticed that there is often a scarecrow watching over the corn! A scarecrow’s job is to keep the crows away so the corn can grow. My scarecrow friend likes to dance from morning to night while he scares those crows away. Will you help him?

“Scarecrow, Scarecrow” provides opportunities to address these objectives:

  • Increase ability to identify body parts
  • Increase ability to follow directions
  • Improve fine and gross motor skills

This song can easily be adapted to suit any season and be perfectly tailored to your participant(s)! Simply change the name from “scarecrow” to any other creature or animal. You can also incorporate additional lyrics to target more specific motor skills!


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