Whenever It Rains


Download the lyrics, chords, mp3 and instrumental track for “Whenever It Rains” by Rachel Rambach, a board-certified music therapist and singer/songwriter.

Read the product description below for more detailed information about how this song can be used to help children learn and grow.

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I’m not sure when that next rainy day will be, but when it comes, I’ll be ready! “Whenever It Rains” is a song about being cheered up by the people we love when we’re feeling blue — specifically, in this case, when it rains. The lyrics came to me in the midst of a huge thunderstorm, during which it thundered so hard my whole house shook. I like a good rain from time to time, so it didn’t bother me, but the storm got me thinking about how bad weather affects people — adults and kids alike.

I wanted to put a positive spin on the weather by acknowledging that it can make us feel blue, but we can look to those we love to make us feel better. This is especially true for little ones who need some comforting during scary storms.

But really, the message could be applied to any situation, like “whenever I’m lonely” or “whenever times are tough”. This song could be a good conversation starter in a music therapy session, especially within a group setting; it prompts the question, who do you turn to for solace or cheering up when you’re feeling blue?


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